
05 May 2022: AWAKE! A CROWN OR A CRY AWAITS YOU AFTER YOUR RACE ON THE EARTH – 2 Timothy 4:8; 2 Timothy 2:5; 1 Corinthians 9:25

Yesterday, I showed you that all the stolen calls must be brought back, restored, redeemed and released to function at optimal capacities. It is then that the goal of God will be accomplished and the Church would be functioning at her full capacity and fulfil her mission on the earth. That is also when you, as a human being, will fulfil your mission on the earth.

You may wonder why people don’t go to heaven after they are born again. It is not that God cannot take you to heaven immediately after you get born again but He has something for you to do on the earth; this is His reason for sending you to this earth. Once you are born again, you are qualified and fit for heaven but you’ve got to do certain things here that have been assigned to you before you were born. That is why you and I have to get involved with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to find out what we are supposed to do so that we won’t cry when we get to heaven.

Sometimes ago, the Lord spoke to my heart that there were two things waiting for everybody at the end of this race: a crown or a cry. For some people, tears would be wiped from their eyes, and for some, God will place crowns on their heads because they did what He sent them to do. I want you to make up your mind that you are going to be among the people that God will place crowns on their heads. Make up your mind that you won’t be among the people that God is going to wipe tears from their eyes – tears of regret, pain, and sorrow – because they did not do what He sent them to do even though they made heaven.

PRAYER: God, I pray that Your call on my life will not be perverted, wasted, or destroyed but will be fully redeemed. I will function at the full capacity of Your call on my life in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Judges 21:1-Ruth 1:22; John 4:4-42; Psalm 105:1-15; Proverbs 14:25

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