
03 November 2024: HOLY GHOST BAPTISM AND SPEAKING IN TONGUES (2) – Acts 2:1-15, Acts 8:14-21, Acts 10:44-48, Acts 19:1-2

Speaking in tongues is the first and the initial evidence that a person has received a biblical baptism in the Holy Ghost. If you are not speaking in tongues as a Christian, it means you are not yet biblically baptised in the Holy Ghost. Christianity is not a mental religion, though we apply our minds; it is, first of all, an encounter of the Divine. Everywhere the baptism of the Holy Spirit was received in the Bible, it was followed by evidence of speaking in tongues. This was the first sign people observed that drew their attention to the disciples, indicating that something had happened to them, even though other signs do-follow.

In Acts 8, some people in Samaria had been saved, and Peter and John prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost. After you get saved as a Christian, the next thing you must do is to receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost. Some people are more concerned with what comes first – water baptism or baptism in the Holy Ghost. As far as the apostles were concerned, it was more important for people to get baptised in the Holy Ghost than to be baptised in water.

Peu importe combien de fois vous prétendez avoir reçu le baptême du Saint-Esprit, si vous ne parlez pas en langues, il n’y a aucune base biblique pour conclure que vous avez reçu le baptême du Saint-Esprit.

Être baptisé du Saint-Esprit était si important pour les apôtres d’autrefois que chaque fois qu’ils terminaient leur ministère, ils amenaient immédiatement leurs convertis à recevoir le baptême du Saint-Esprit.

NOTE: I want you to pray in the spirit for the next 15 minutes and birth forth the unknown dimension of your life and destiny. If you are born again and you desire baptism in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues, please send us an email via so you can be adequately ministered to. Don’t miss this divine provision

Ézéchiel 7 :1-9 :11, Hébreux 5 :1-14, Psaume 105 :1-15, Proverbes 26 :28


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