
15 October 2024: KEY TRAITS OF THE DANIEL’S COMPANY (3) – Daniel 1:8, 3:16-18, Genesis 39:7-13

UNnother key trait of Daniels is their extraordinary strength of purpose. As a Daniel, your commitment to your purpose must surpass your personal desires (Daniel 1:8). When your purpose is stronger than your desires, you will achieve noble things. However, if your desires overpower your purpose, you may end up doing crazy things.

Daniels are resolute individuals who make firm and correct decisions aligned with their purpose. They stand firm and say, “I won’t be polluted. Even if everyone else is doing it, I will not!” What is wrong cannot be justified by altering its appearance. For instance, as a medical doctor, if a girl comes to you for an abortion, it is not just a routine matter; it is a chance for you to save a life and guide her according to God’s will. You are expected to counsel her and let her know the reason why God brought her to you.

If you have made mistakes in the past, don’t be discouraged. The future still holds opportunities for you.

A stumble or fall might be visible to some, but if you rise quickly and continue moving forward, it will soon be forgotten.

Even when faced with challenging situations, you must stand firm. Just as Joseph resisted the advances of Potiphar’s wife and Daniel rejected the king’s meat to remain pure, you too must uphold your principles and purpose.

PRAYER: Lord, grant me the strength and capacity to confront every negative situation and challenge at every juncture on the journey of my destiny.

Jeremiah 26:1-27:22, 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18, Psalms 85:1-13, Proverbs 25:16


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Rev. Oyenike Areogun invites every female: all grandmothers, mothers, wives, single ladies, and teenage girls to the upcoming 51ST EDITION OF THE ALL NATIONS WOMEN CONGRESS ON WORLD EVANGELIZATION, coming up on the 18th and 19th October 2024 at the HQs of The Dream Centre of the Life Oasis International Church, Oshogbo.
Time: Friday – 5pm to 9pm & Saturday – 7am to 3pm.
The theme for this year’s Congress is: “To this end was I Born" (John 18:37) ...living out in full God's reason for your existence!
Ministering under the power of the Holy Ghost will be:

Rev Olusola Areogun: the General overseer of the Dream Centre of the Life Oasis International Church

Rev Oyenike Areogun: the Senior Pastor of the Dream Centre of the Life Oasis International Church
There will be various workshops for career women and businesswomen; for marriage and family matters; and for destiny and calling matters.

You can register for the 51st All Nations Women’s Congress on World Evangelisation at: https://solaareogunministries.org/events/anwc 
For further enquiries, you can call: +2347034944020, +2348037785698, +2348059533180, +2348035999862 or send a mail to allnationswomenscongress@gmail.com
Come! All things are ready!
Jesus is Lord! 

#revoyenikeareogun #ANWC2024 #51stANWC #ChristianWomen

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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