
08 September 2024: CRITICAL TRUTHS ABOUT MONEY (2) – 2 Corinthians 9:10; 1 Timothy 6:10

Joday, I will share another five critical truths about money that you must know.

1. Money is neutral on its own. The owner or spender gives it life, either an evil life or a godly life.

The owner or the spender gives money its mission.

2. The capacity of men or nations to do evil or good is directly controlled by their financial capacities or muscles. For a good man, more money means more good and for an evil man, more money means more evil.

3. Money is not evil in and of itself; it is the way you acquire it and what you spend it on, and for that makes it evil or good.

4. The way you acquire money and what you spend it on will not leave you the same. A young girl getting money by sleeping with men will not be left the same. Spending money on good or wrong things will come back to bless or haunt you.

5. Money is a seed like any other seed with life in it. What gives it life is the life you spend to get it. Any money that you did not spend your life to get does not have life in it.

The life you spent to get your salary is what makes your salary a very critical issue to you; you spent thirty days to acquire it. You are not going to get those thirty days back; the salary represents those thirty days. That’s why you feel cheated when your salary is not up to what you felt you worked for.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive grace for profitable labour. I will not do the labour of the fools that weary them in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Ésaïe 1 :1-2 :22, 2 Corinthiens 10 :1-18, Psaume 52 :1-9, Proverbes 22 :26-27


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