
06 September 2024: AVOID THE WRONG THINGS IN YOUR ASSOCIATION – 1 Samuel 16:14-23

People teach all kinds of laws that are not going to work; an example is the law of association. The law of association is very powerful when it comes to finances, but it is only beneficial when you are in the relationship to learn. One of the things association will bring into your life is that you will be in contact with the spending of the blessed, and if you spend like the blessed that you are associated with, you may bankrupt yourself! It can put stress on your finances!

When God brings you around a blessed man, His intention is for you to learn the habits and mentality that made the man who he is.

God doesn’t want you to learn how to spend money like the man. No! You must learn the critical dos and don’ts that will help you get to that sort of place and last there. Have you wondered why God put David in the palace while Saul was still king over Israel? It is the law of association in progress: not for David to see how to spend money like a king or live like a king, but to learn and study critical mistakes to avoid and critical habits to embrace.

You might have a friend who is a billionaire; what are you learning in that relationship? Are you learning how to always ask for handouts or how to duplicate lasting, generational wealth? Are you learning how to shop for the latest cars and phones or to invest and sponsor divine assignments? For every association God brings you into, seek His face to ask the critical lessons to learn. Always be a conscious learner in life – never be an unconscious learner.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace, wisdom and accuracy to learn the correct things in every association I find myself in. I will not focus on the wrong things in all my relationships in Jesus’ name.

Cantique des Cantiques 1 :1-4 :16, 2 Corinthiens 8 :16-24, Psaume 50 :1-23, Proverbes 22 :22-23


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