
25 August 2024: THE PROSPEROUS MAN (2) – GENESIS 39:1-3

Yesterday, I said one of the major demonstrations of the blessings of God over a man, is prosperity. Today, I will show you what prosperity is not and things you should look out for as a person who wants to walk in true prosperity.

Prosperity is a spiritual experience, a spiritual force.

If Joseph could be bought, it means that he was poor, that is, he was without visible cash. Yet the Bible describes him as prosperous. What this means is that it is possible to be a Banker or a Doctor and yet not prosperous.

When a man carries the spirit of prosperity, he creates his atmosphere and environment to succeed. He is no more a victim or a subject of the economic environment in which he is functioning. There is a spirit of prosperity, and God is THAT Spirit. Gen. 39:2a And the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; meaning that it was WHO was with Joseph that determined what he was manifesting.

Prosperity is not what you are driving; it is what is driving you. Prosperity is not the food that you are eating; it is what is in you by God. Prosperity is not a matter of brain; it is a matter of an invisible force. If someone else did what Joseph was doing that was turning out well, those things would start to break down, but when Joseph is brought back on the scene, the success would kick-start again. There is a force and power that makes nonsense of human ability or disability, and you carry that power in you as a child of God.

PRAYER: Declare, “from today, whatever I lay my hands upon shall prosper!”

Job 16:1-19:29, 1 Corinthians 16:1-24, Psalm 40:1-10, Proverbs 22:1


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