
21 août 2024 : LES RÉSULTATS DE L’HOMME BÉNI (1) – GENÈSE 13:7-12

Jhe Bible is full of examples of the blessed and the world enriched people. Let us look briefly at some of these:

Abraham (and Lot)
Some relationships in your life bring the flow of the blessing into your life, and you must recognize them. Some people disconnect from the carrier of a blessing because they do not know he is a carrier of a blessing. You can forgive unbelievers who do not have this understanding, but a Christian that does the same will not get that kind of credit. Lot ought to know what he should not do. And this is where we see the difference between separation and disconnection. Lot disconnected from Abraham, but Abraham separated from Lot.

You must know when you should separate from somebody that is causing you trouble, giving you unwanted, unneeded strife and pressure.

The other person must determine if the relationship is worth the effort. Lot became wealthy but did not know what brought the wealth. Such is a dangerous wealth the kind of wealth that makes you proud and cocky.

Lot was like a son to Abraham; they are not brethren as Abraham referred to him. At that point, Lot should have fallen on his face and said, “No my father, who am I to cross your path? What I have is because of your large heart. I will go and speak with those herdsmen and rebuke them,” but he did not do this, and Abraham took the initiative. Men that do not labour to be blessed make critically wrong choices in life at critical moments.

PRAYER: Father, help me to recognise the critical relationships that bring the flow of the blessing into my life and keep them in Jesus’ Name.

Job 1:1-3:26, 1 Corinthians 14:1-17, Psalm 37:12-29, Proverbs 21:25-26


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