
29 July 2024: BE PROGRAMMED RIGHT – DANIEL 1:1-7

Beware of wrong programming!

Wrong programming comes from:
1. What you have heard.
2. What you have seen around you.
3. What you have practiced in life.

The truth is that the entire world system is designed to programme you negatively and you must be aware of this. Programming means the following:
* Your belief: What do you believe in life, about life and what informed your belief? Is it the age-old mythologies in your ancestry or the Scriptures? If your belief in life and about life is not sourced from the Bible, you are wrongly programmed.
* Your thinking: Your thought line will always follow your belief system. What is the source of that thought on your mind?
* Your confession, your decisions, and your actions: Whatever confession you make, decisions that you take and act you do can speak of the programming inside you.

What programming is going on in you right where you are now?

There are three categories of men when it comes to wrong programming.
1. Captured men: These are victims of wrong programming.
2. Rebellious men: These people have life struggles based on wrong programming and are trying to shake it off.
3. Delivered men: These people have been delivered from the wrong programming. That is, they have gone through deprogramming and are now being reprogrammed right.

God is working in your life. As you go to church and settle down to hear Him, He is programming you right and correctly for purpose and destiny. Your programming, not just your efforts, is responsible for your results. Programming happens when you receive and accept God’s word. The Scripture is your number one tool for right programming.

PRAYER: I will not be wrongly programmed in Jesus’ name.

2 Chronicles 24:1-25:28, Romans 12:1-21, Psalm 22:19-31, Proverbs 20:8-10


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