

Jhe Lord spoke these words to me many years ago and I have taken time to master using words wisely and I want you to do the same: “Words are like emissaries, use them wisely.”
The words that you speak and allow to flow through your mouth have great power to determine how you end up in life. Hearing the words, you speak, I can say, with great precision, how your life will end. Words have great power to build you up or tear you down. God uses words, the devil also uses words. Negative words bring destruction and discouragement; positive words bring healing and build up a man’s life into greatness.

Words carry spirit and when you speak words, depending on whether good/positive words or wicked/negative words, spirits are released to begin to act and work out those words.

Good godly words release the Holy Spirit to work for you while evil negative words release evil spirits to work against you.

I have always said, “If I can get you to stop speaking negatively, even the most terrible life situations will change for good.” Your life flows rapidly in the direction of your words.
God’s power is captured and enclosed in God’s words. If you can get yourself to speak God’s words over that situation in your life, the power of God will take over. I want you to do an audit of your life and ask yourself, “In what direction is my life going?” If you don’t like that direction, don’t complain, just peruse the Scriptures and then begin to confess them over yourself.

PRAYER: I abort every negative seed sown by my words in the past in Jesus’ name. Amen.

2 Kings 20:1-22:2, Acts 21:18-36, Psalm 150:1-6, Proverbs 18:9-10


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Bien-aimés, Salutations d'amour au Nom de Jésus. Vous êtes spécialement invités à la prochaine Fête Ointe de Dieu pour l'humanité : CONVENTION ANNUELLE DU DIEU DES PERCÉES ET RETOUR À LA MAISON (GOBC&H) 2024 avec le thème :

LE SAINT-ESPRIT ET VOUS 2.0 ! Date : 30 juin - 7 juillet 2024 (dimanche - dimanche). Horaires : 6h-8h, 8h-10h, 10h-12h, 12h-14h et 17h-20h tous les jours (tous GMT +1). Lieu : Le Dream Center du siège de l'Église internationale Life Oasis, le long du Secrétariat d'État d'Osun à Abere, peu avant l'échangeur du 27 novembre, Osogbo, État d'Osun, Nigeria. Ministère : Révérend Olusola + Oyenike Areogun (Hôtes), Révérend (Dr) Francis Olonade, Révérend (Dr) John Idowu, Révérend (Dr) Lekan Babatunde, Révérend Akinlolu Raphael et Pasteur Tunde Jaiyebo Demandes de renseignements : + 2349079912254, +2347071981402, +2347071981492, +2348037252124 Diffusion en direct disponible sur : www.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org/streaming, www.dciradio.org et sur toutes nos plateformes de médias sociaux. Inscrivez-vous sur : www.gobch.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org Venez, tout est à vous ! Venez, tout est prêt ! Jésus est Seigneur!
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