
25 June 2024: HOW TO ESCAPE ERROR – 1 TIMOTHY 4:1

Ône of the things I teach believers is how to escape error in life and ministry. One of the ways we escape error is not to turn an instruction of God into a perpetual principle for ministry. When people turn an instruction to a principle of ministering, they perpetuate error.

This was where some ministers of God several generations ago that received genuine instructions from God missed it especially some of them that didn’t know the Bible very well. Emblems such as water, handkerchiefs, olive oil and so on have been severely abused in some churches due to this error. The man that received the instruction heard God, but it was later turned into a perpetual principle for ministry.

The Israelites made an incredibly significant mistake by linking God with an emblem of the power of God. The Ark of the Covenant was part of the religious life for the children of Israel. Today, there are Christians that have replaced the Holy Spirit with some of the emblems that are given to us in the body of Christ. The fact that God told you as a Minister; to minister healing to some people in a particular way today in your ministry does not mean you should turn it to a permanent pattern for Him to heal all the sick people He brings across your path.

Avoid turning an instruction to a principle of ministering.

It is man, part of the consequence of the fall, to always look for a method or an idol to connect your faith with. Man is always looking for something that works to stay with it. However, God is saying to us “I’m a Person, I want you to have a relationship with Me. The whole essence of giving you the Bible is for you to understand Me.”

PRAYER: I choose to go with the truth of the scripture and not be led astray into errors in my generation. Amen!

2 Kings 8:1-9:13, Acts 16:16-40, Psalm 143:1-12, Proverbs 17:26


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Bien-aimés, Salutations d'amour au Nom de Jésus. Vous êtes spécialement invités à la prochaine Fête Ointe de Dieu pour l'humanité : CONVENTION ANNUELLE DU DIEU DES PERCÉES ET RETOUR À LA MAISON (GOBC&H) 2024 avec le thème :

LE SAINT-ESPRIT ET VOUS 2.0 ! Date : 30 juin - 7 juillet 2024 (dimanche - dimanche). Horaires : 6h-8h, 8h-10h, 10h-12h, 12h-14h et 17h-20h tous les jours (tous GMT +1). Lieu : Le Dream Center du siège de l'Église internationale Life Oasis, le long du Secrétariat d'État d'Osun à Abere, peu avant l'échangeur du 27 novembre, Osogbo, État d'Osun, Nigeria. Ministère : Révérend Olusola + Oyenike Areogun (Hôtes), Révérend (Dr) Francis Olonade, Révérend (Dr) John Idowu, Révérend (Dr) Lekan Babatunde, Révérend Akinlolu Raphael et Pasteur Tunde Jaiyebo Demandes de renseignements : + 2349079912254, +2347071981402, +2347071981492, +2348037252124 Diffusion en direct disponible sur : www.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org/streaming, www.dciradio.org et sur toutes nos plateformes de médias sociaux. Inscrivez-vous sur : www.gobch.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org Venez, tout est à vous ! Venez, tout est prêt ! Jésus est Seigneur!
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