
23 June 2024: LEARN THE PRINCIPLES NOT THE METHODS (1) – 1 SAMUEL 30:4-8, 1 SAMUEL 4: 1-3

god wants us to come to a place of understanding in our walk with Him that He is a person and not just a force somewhere. As a person, He wants us to have a relationship with Him. A deeper relationship with God exposes us to His ways and His thoughts. God wants you and me to understand Him by principles and not methods. Practices without principles leads to mediocrity and brings shame. Practices without principles also can make God refuse to work.

In the first passage above, David had gone to several wars before this occurrence. But in His walk with God, he had established that God works with principles; he had understood the nature and the person of God. If it were to be many believers of this generation, they would have just gone ahead into battle using one of the methods God had used in the past and they would fail. However, look at David in verse 8, he inquired of the Lord again if he should pursue after the troop. Why did he do that? He knew God is a Person, and that you don’t relate with Him as an “it”. That was the secret of the perpetual victory David had in his days. So, God can refuse to work when you fail to understand this.

When a Christian is faced with a contrary experience to our positions in Christ or the Bible, something is always responsible for that, and we must seek to find out.

Years ago, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart that if a Christian has an experience different from what God has promised, there are two things you can ask for: you can ask God to give you an apology or you can ask God to give you an explanation. If you say God should give you an apology, you are saying God has failed you, God has never failed anybody, and He is not going to start with you. However, if you ask for an explanation, He will only be too glad to give you an explanation because He doesn’t want us to continue in a state of confusion.

PRAYER: God, help me to strengthen my relationship with You, to know You more. Amen!

2 Kings 4:18-5:27, Acts 15:1-35, Psalm 141:1-10, Proverbs 17:23


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Bien-aimés, Salutations d'amour au Nom de Jésus. Vous êtes spécialement invités à la prochaine Fête Ointe de Dieu pour l'humanité : CONVENTION ANNUELLE DU DIEU DES PERCÉES ET RETOUR À LA MAISON (GOBC&H) 2024 avec le thème :

LE SAINT-ESPRIT ET VOUS 2.0 ! Date : 30 juin - 7 juillet 2024 (dimanche - dimanche). Horaires : 6h-8h, 8h-10h, 10h-12h, 12h-14h et 17h-20h tous les jours (tous GMT +1). Lieu : Le Dream Center du siège de l'Église internationale Life Oasis, le long du Secrétariat d'État d'Osun à Abere, peu avant l'échangeur du 27 novembre, Osogbo, État d'Osun, Nigeria. Ministère : Révérend Olusola + Oyenike Areogun (Hôtes), Révérend (Dr) Francis Olonade, Révérend (Dr) John Idowu, Révérend (Dr) Lekan Babatunde, Révérend Akinlolu Raphael et Pasteur Tunde Jaiyebo Demandes de renseignements : + 2349079912254, +2347071981402, +2347071981492, +2348037252124 Diffusion en direct disponible sur : www.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org/streaming, www.dciradio.org et sur toutes nos plateformes de médias sociaux. Inscrivez-vous sur : www.gobch.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org Venez, tout est à vous ! Venez, tout est prêt ! Jésus est Seigneur!
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