
21 June 2024: ALWAYS PUT A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE HOLY AND THE COMMON – Ezekiel 44:23, Leviticus 10:8-11

Jhe man that God will work with must be the man that is willing to show the difference between the holy and the common to people, his family and everybody around him. I strongly believe that this is the first assignment of a servant of God to God’s people; that is, to show them clearly, the difference between the holy and the common because the heart of intractable problems between God and man is the confusion between what is holy and what is common. When men treat what is holy as common, they are looking for serious trouble with heaven. God knows that men naturally don’t know the difference between the holy and the common, so He sent His servant, a minister, to first teach them and show them.

A man that will not enter trouble with God must treat as holy what God calls holy.

You remember the story of Belteshazzar, one of the kings of Babylon. He had been drinking wine with better cups, golden cups, and more expensive things before that time, and God didn’t mind. But a day came that his wine got to his head, and he took of the hallowed vessels from the temple of Jerusalem to drink. Although, the temple had been pulled down, Israel had been dispersed, and they were in captivity, but God knew where every one of those cups were. They were holy and dedicated cups. As soon as they poured wine and drank from it, God appeared, judged him and he died that very night.

Your tithe is holy, and it is different from other cash with you. The musical equipment in your church is different from the ones a secular musician is using once they are dedicated to God. The calling is sacred and cannot be treated as the same with your career. The highest peak that a man can get to on the earth is in the calling that God placed on his life. You will retire from your career, but you will carry your calling to heaven.

PRAYER: LORD, help me to always recognize the difference between the holy and the common. Amen!

2 Kings 1:1-2:25, Acts 13:42-14:7, Psalm 139:1-24, Proverbs 17:19-21


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Bien-aimés, Salutations d'amour au Nom de Jésus. Vous êtes spécialement invités à la prochaine Fête Ointe de Dieu pour l'humanité : CONVENTION ANNUELLE DU DIEU DES PERCÉES ET RETOUR À LA MAISON (GOBC&H) 2024 avec le thème :

LE SAINT-ESPRIT ET VOUS 2.0 ! Date : 30 juin - 7 juillet 2024 (dimanche - dimanche). Horaires : 6h-8h, 8h-10h, 10h-12h, 12h-14h et 17h-20h tous les jours (tous GMT +1). Lieu : Le Dream Center du siège de l'Église internationale Life Oasis, le long du Secrétariat d'État d'Osun à Abere, peu avant l'échangeur du 27 novembre, Osogbo, État d'Osun, Nigeria. Ministère : Révérend Olusola + Oyenike Areogun (Hôtes), Révérend (Dr) Francis Olonade, Révérend (Dr) John Idowu, Révérend (Dr) Lekan Babatunde, Révérend Akinlolu Raphael et Pasteur Tunde Jaiyebo Demandes de renseignements : + 2349079912254, +2347071981402, +2347071981492, +2348037252124 Diffusion en direct disponible sur : www.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org/streaming, www.dciradio.org et sur toutes nos plateformes de médias sociaux. Inscrivez-vous sur : www.gobch.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org Venez, tout est à vous ! Venez, tout est prêt ! Jésus est Seigneur!
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