
23 April 2024: THE POWER OF BINDING AND LOOSING – Matthew 16:19, Luke 10:19

You have the power to bind and loose. If you are born again, God has given you that authority. You can bind what you don’t want and loose some good things to come into your life. This is part of your armoury in God.

You can loose funds for your projects. You can command the devil to take his hands off your funds and let them be released unto you. As a pastor, you can loose your members who are being held down by territorial and environmental spirits. You can loose some favour and help to come to you. Identify the key things you want to loose and be specific. Everything that is yours from God – benefits, blessings, donations, and grant of heaven that is yours, loose them. Loose your angels to begin to function and bind demons on assignment against your life.

Loose angels on assignment for you; let them go ahead of you to clear the road for you.

You can bind that ancestral struggle and take authority over it as far as you are concerned. If there is any health issue that is limiting your function in life, you can bind such and command it to loose its hold in your life.

You can declare the word of the Lord concerning your children. They said your child does not know mathematics, that is not consistent with the scripture. The scripture says, “He shall be the head and not the tail, he shall be above only and not beneath”. Declare that over him.

PRAYER: I bind every ongoing work of hell in my life and loose every blessing of heaven and divine donations already released for me. Amen!

Judges 1:1-2:9, Luke 21:29-22:13, Psalm 90:1-91:16, Proverbs 13:24-25


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