
22 avril 2024 : STRUCTURE : UNE CLÉ MAJEURE DU ROYAUME – Matthieu 16 :19

god wants you to go with a major key of the kingdom today, and that is STRUCTURE. A lot of people fail and flop in life due to a lack of structure. I wrote a book titled Structuring your Life for Responsibility, and it is important for you to know that you cannot be responsible beyond the structure you have built around your life. For example, if you look at the human body, the bones in your body are the structure on which your flesh is hanging. If you remove the bones, your body will fall like a formless mass to the ground. A life without structure is just like a human body with no supporting bones; it is simply a flop. Don’t let your life be a flop.

Instruction simply means the ‘inside structure’ that you are carrying out outside.

You need to have a structure. Without structure, your life is going to fall flat.

Don’t listen to people who tell you that you don’t need structure; grace without structure is greasy grace. Even God has a structure that is holding the universe in place.

It is a lack of structure that makes a man not to have a savings account. You cannot be spending all that you are earning and think you will make it. I told some of the young men who worked on one of our building sites to stop collecting daily wages, but rather, they should allow their wages to accumulate and be paid to them monthly so that they can have something to save. I noticed that they were just spending the money as soon as they collected it, so I decided to help them structure their lives. Have a structured life!

PRAYER: Lord, help me to structure my life correctly and grant me grace and strength to adhere to it. Amen!

Joshua 24:1-33, Luke 21:1-28, Psalm 89:38-52, Proverbs 13:20-23


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