These are ten powerful keys that will set you on a personal journey of Kingdom wealth if you would incorporate them into your daily practices.
1. Verbal confidence: Break every yoke of intimidation and inferiority in yourself.
2. Self-discipline.
3. Strategic savings: Remember, the spirit of poverty works with how much you spend while the spirit of prosperity works with how much you save.
4. Strategic sowing and Kingdom partnership: Find a genuine ministry that you can partner with their assignment. This way, you will partake of God’s covenant upon such a ministry.
5. Due diligence and attention to details.
6. Eyes that see what others overlook: This is one of the elements of a financial anointing and you should pray for eyes that see what others overlook.
7. Increased sensitivity to the Holy Spirit:
The Holy Spirit is ready to show you where He has kept your wealth. Wait on Him in prayer.
8. Recognise your seed, seedtime, and your ground.
9. Divine location: The ravens met Elijah at the brook God sent him. The widow was waiting for him where God sent him to (1 Kin. 17:2-16). Divine provision is waiting for you in the place of divine location.
10. The principle of honour: What and who you choose to honour will determine the blessings that flow in your direction. Someone said, “Dishonour is the seed for loss.” You can get through humility and honouring the right person what you can never get through formal education. Learn and imbibe honour. Young professionals need this counsel more.
PRAYER: Lord, lead me to the wealthy place You have ordained for me in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 45:11-48:11; Ephesians 4:1-16; Psalm 68:19-35; Proverbs 24:3-4
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