
06 avril 2024 : RENDRE VOTRE FOI PRODUCTIVE – Marc 11 : 22-25

jef you want to be productive in faith, you need to master what is in Mark 11:22-25. You should read and study it. Any device that releases and operates with power – a car, generator, gun and an explosive device like a grenade has a trigger.

Mark 11:23 is the trigger of the force of faith.

You have seen some people put a rope on an explosive device and light the rope. When the burning rope hits the explosive device, the explosion takes place. Understanding Mark 11:23 will make your faith productive

Mark 11:22-25 outlined the principles that you can apply in any situation requiring faith in God to produce a divine result, whether it is prayers, casting out demons, or obtaining promises. In every case of exploit of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11, Mark 11:23 was what they used. Even David, when he was confronting Goliath, it was the same principles he used. So as a child of God, you must understand this passage and study it.

I have done many teachings on faith over the years and I have also lived by faith. When I started out in ministry, God specifically instructed me to master these two subjects: how to be led by the Holy Spirit and how to live by faith. Many subjects are important to living a balanced Christian life but these two are core modules that determine the effectiveness of everything else. If you find Christians that are struggling in any area of life, they are missing either of these two. If you can master those two subjects, you will go far in life. Master them and the devil will not be able to defeat you.

PRAYER: Lord, I pray for enhanced sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and an ever-increasing faith life. My faith will not fail in Jesus name. Amen!

Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20, Luke 11:37-12:7, Psalm 78:1-31, Proverbs 12:19-20


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