
29 March 2024: THE CLEANSING POWER IN THE WORD OF GOD – Hebrews 10:22

It is the devil that hangs an evil consciousness around your spirit, so that when you want to pray, you are coming like a servant into your Father’s house. Why? Because you lack full assurance of faith in God as your Father. The devil deceives you that you are an adopted child of God, while the bible says, you are born of God and joint heirs with Christ Jesus. Yet you come like a slave because somebody has told you there is something wrong with you.

The word of God cleanses our hearts from every evil consciousness so we can come to God as His child. When the bible says “…our bodies washed with pure water”, it is not talking of natural bathing with water. The word of God has an effect of washing your heart of evil consciousness like water washes a dirty body. The more of the word of God you expose yourself to, the cleaner your heart becomes. This boosts your ability to boldly come to God, believe Him and experience everything He has promised you.

You have as much right with God as any other child of God. You have as much right as your pastor, or that “Big Man of God”.

As you pray henceforth, pray with the confidence of a son of God. The devil could have told you that God will hear somebody more than He will hear you. No, that is a lie! We may have different assignments and equipment in the body of Christ, but we have the same sonship with the Father. In your life and affairs, you can stand tall with that consciousness. You will see God work for you over and again.

PRAYER: Father, I come boldly into your presence as a son. I will not fall prey of the devil’s lies telling me otherwise. Amen.

Deuteronomy 11:1-12:32, Luke 8:22-39, Psalm 70:1-5, Proverbs 12:4


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