
23 March 2024: BE FULLY PERSUADED ABOUT YOUR COVENANT POSITION – Romans 4:21; Romans 8:38-39

Many of us are not persuaded, and God wants us to come to a place of persuasion. Three things always go together when dealing with God: the promise, the persuasion and the performance. The promise comes from God, the persuasion must occur in the man, and the performance must come from God. If you are not persuaded, there won’t be a divine performance. The big problem is that we are not persuaded; we shift here and there. You must be fully persuaded as far as your covenant position and status is concerned. It will be very devastating for you to be persuaded about something wrong and not be persuaded about something right.

In out text today, Paul spoke based on what he’s been seeing and what God had done. Paul is talking of things that are likely to show their faces, but he is persuaded. God doesn’t want us to step into the arena of life without this persuasion.

In 1 Chronicles 11:10-11, Jashobeam and the other men stepped out unto the battlefield before seeing God prove anything. They didn’t go there afraid of the enemy, they went there with a covenant consciousness, and the Lord granted them victory.

Persuasion is what you do for yourself and to yourself by the word of God.

You may be unsure within you, but you must step out there and prove that God is real. Let God prove Himself. If God does not prove Himself, there is no persuasion inside you. Be persuaded about God’s promise and Covenant for you. The things that concern you are Covenant guaranteed.

PRAYER: Lord, I refuse to be moved or shaken by life situations. I take authority over every form of confusion. I receive understanding and grace to be fully persuaded of Your covenant promises for me.

Numbers 36:1-Deuteronomy 1:46, Luke 5:29-6:11, Psalm 66:1-20, Proverbs 11:24-26


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