
28 February 2024: GOD IN US: JEHOVAH SHAMMAH – John 14:16

There were certain things that God could not do under the manifestation of ‘God for us’ and neither could He when he manifested as ‘God with us’ but such depths are now possible when God has the cooperation of man to manifest as ‘God dwelling in us’ through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

God came to bring man into the best of all those relationships in Jehovah Shammah which is the Lord in us; God in-dwelling man. God has always had the desire to dwell with man and have fellowship and contact with man, but the best is for God to dwell inside man, and it makes so many things available that God has always wanted to do.

An important truth is that the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives puts us at an advantage.

The Holy Ghost is our advantage in the world and if you don’t believe in the person or ministry of the Holy Ghost, you are not only cheating yourself, but you are also putting yourself at a disadvantage.

Maybe you are born again but you want the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I will ask you to go on your knees and put your right hand upon your head as an act of faith and pray the prayer below.

If you are not baptized in the Holy Spirit and you thirst for it, call the church helpline at +2349079912254 or send us an email at info@dreamcentre.org for a real experience today. God bless you!

PRAYER: Lord, I take the full advantage that comes with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I step into the full blessing of Jehovah Shammah in Jesus’ name. Amen

Leviticus 22:17-23:44, Mark 9:30-10:12, Psalm 44:1-8, Proverbs 10:19

(Please note that you can follow this month's devotional on YouVersions's The Bible App using the link: http://bible.us/r/)


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