Obedience to the Holy Spirit can be in four levels according to Ezekiel 47:1-5. These are the Ankle-deep, The Knee-deep, The Loins, and The River Experience. We will be looking at each of these levels with regards to relating to the Holy Spirit.
Assess yourself honestly and make necessary adjustments.
1. ANKLE-DEEP LEVEL (Verse 1-3): A person at this level will have total control over the Holy Spirit. A believer that is ankle-deep in the water of the Holy Ghost is a born again person, but all that the person knows may not be more than just salvation. At this level, you are making decisions as if you are the Leader. I tell people that when you truly make Jesus your Lord, technically, you should have made your last decision because from that time onwards, He makes the decisions and you should carry them out. In this level, you will make heaven but with lots of “accidents” on the road of life since you are the one making the decisions. Here, you are just carnal and fleshly; it is all about yourself and your senses.
2. KNEE-DEEP LEVEL (Verse 4-5): The only difference between the knee level and the ankle level water is that your decisions are not carnal but soulish. You can craft a vision in your soul. A well-developed soul can reason and put some things down but a vision is a picture of the completed state and it is only God who can give a vision because He alone knows the completed state of everyone’s life.
Beloved, let the Holy Spirit take charge and you obey fully.
PRAYER: Lord, I repent of every act of disobedience and partial obedience in following you, I make up my mind to yield totally to you from now on, in Jesus name. Amen.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 4:1-37; 2 Peter 1:1-21; Psalm 119:97-112; Proverbs 28:17-18 ————————————————————
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