
08 November 2023: HOW TO BE SENSITIVE TO THE HOLY SPIRIT (3) – GALATIANS 5:22-23, PROVERBS 29:25, NUMBERS 20:11-12

Don’t forget this: Your greatness in life is connected to your sensitivity, not your sensibility.

13. When you are not sure of the voice of God in your life, go back to the last place that you were very sure that God spoke to you. You will see this principle in 2 Kings 6:1-7 when the prophet Elisha asked the sons of the prophets where the axe-head fell. You must be sure of the last time in your journey that you are sure that God spoke to you. If you get back there, you can retrace your steps.

14. Develop the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23): Fruit of the Spirit help you to protect the voice, direction and leading of the Holy Spirit in your life. God will not always speak to you in an audible voice, sometimes, it will just be an impression.

15. Reduce Emotionalism and Human Opinions in your Affairs (Proverbs 29:25): Don’t be afraid of what people will say. Emotions are the assassins of spirituality. God didn’t give you your emotions to guide you but to show you things that are physically wrong.

16. Negative Passions reduce Spiritual Sensitivity: Be careful of things that get you angry especially in close relationships.

Anger reduces your spiritual sensitivity, The degree of negative emotions is the opposite of spiritual sensitivity.

If you are 70% frustrated, you are 30% sensitive. Moses was a victim of this. In the heat of anger, he struck the rock when he should have spoken to the rock. He forgot the divine direction in the heat of anger.

17. Learn to rebuke wrong spirits: It frees your spirit to receive from God. Reject every communication from lying spirits.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive strength to be emotionally strong and not be swayed in the heat of passion. I pray for grace to be able to handle passions and emotions correctly in Jesus name. Amen.

Ezekiel 18:1-19:14; Hebrews 9:1-10; Psalm 106:32-48; Proverbs 27:10


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