
18 September 2023: BALANCING THE PRACTICAL AND THE PROPHETIC TO SUCCEED IN LIFE – 1 Samuel 16:7; Genesis 41:14


You must respect and give priority to the spiritual (prophetic), but you must also do your due diligence in the practical things necessary in the physical to succeed. Encounters with God can open doors for you, but you need to know how to pull the things in that open door together to work to your advantage. Prayers and anointing can get you a husband, but it will take your behaviour at home to keep that marriage.

Prayer in the church can open doors for you to be invited for an interview with a multinational company, but the Holy Ghost will not prepare for the questions or research about the company for you, nor will He polish your shoes or dress you up; but you will have to do those. You may not get the job if all you depend on is the Holy Ghost upon you and you appear for the interview inappropriately dressed. Respect both the spiritual and the physical, and you will succeed. Do not be like some Christians who respect the spiritual alone and despise the physical.

Respecting the physical and despising the spiritual will make you miss many opportunities in life.

When Samuel came to minister to David and anointed him as king, God told Samuel one secret: “God does not look as a man looks.” God does not look at dressing to decide whom He will bless or who He will anoint. However, no matter who you are, men will look at your appearance before they respond to you. In addition to any spiritual assistance you might have received in your endeavours, make sure that you are doing every physical thing necessary to maximise the opportunities that the anointing brings your way.

PRAYER: Lord, open my eyes to see the practical things I must do to turn my spiritual encounters into physical manifestations in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Isaiah 28:14-30:11; Galatians 3:23-4:31; Psalm 62:1-12; Proverbs 23:19-21

(Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: 

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