
12 September 2022: BIBLE FACTS ABOUT GIVING (2) – John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 8:1-3

2 Yesterday, we started looking at biblical facts on giving. We shall look further into it today.

11. God does not rate you on how much you have but on how much you have left!

12. In the Kingdom, the giver is superior to the receiver.

13. Giving is what sets receiving in motion. That is why Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive (Act. 20:35)”.

14. It would be best to rate your giving on what it cost you. A man who has N10,000 and gives N 2,000 has given more than the one who has N 100,000 but gives N 5,000.

15. God rates you on what you can do, not what you want to do. The man who gives based on what he can do is greater than the one who gives based on what he wants to do.

16. God rates you on the widow’s mite scale (Mar. 12:41-44). Do you give out of your abundance or out of your poverty? It takes more faith to give out of your poverty than out of your abundance.

17. You have to give out of your poverty to get out of it into abundance.

18. You always have to give your way out of any level into a higher level.

19. Whatever you can give in obedience to God shows what you are bigger than. What you cannot give when God asks is bigger than you.

20. What you can give cannot be used by Satan to tempt you or seduce you from God.

21. Our offering is an expression of our heart to God and people.

PRAYER: Father, I receive grace to be willing and obedient to carry out my financial instructions in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Isaiah 10:1-11:16; 2 Corinthians 12:11-21; Psalm 56:1-13; Proverbs 23:6-8

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