
26 August 2023: HOW TO SPEAK BY THE SPIRIT OF FAITH (1) – 2 Corinthians 4:13; Exodus 40:36


There are some keys you must master for you to speak by the spirit of faith effectively. One of these keys is to check the language you are speaking. There are different types of spoken languages. However, you must acquaint yourself with speaking the language of faith because that is what the spirit of faith in you understands.

Look at these three levels of sentences:
1. I feel
2. I think
3. I believe

Which of these three levels characterises your language? Which of them do you use more in your everyday speech? You must first find which category you belong to because you won’t change things until you know where you are presently. Check your language. If you can’t, have someone check it for you. It is important to get it right.

In 1985, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me that the devil put 85% of what is in the language of men there to work against them. For instance, people say “7 o’clock dead” instead of “7 o’clock alive”, “deadline” instead of “lifeline”, and “I doubt that thing is going to work” instead of “I believe it is going to work”. Rather than “I’m afraid I can’t make that meeting”, simply say, “I cannot make that meeting”. Why should you be afraid?

The devil has put so many negative forces in correct grammar and this has put many under his control.

If by any chance you have been in cohort with people who speak as such, you must re-orientate yourself. The glory cloud went in two directions only, upward and forward. These are the two directions we should face every time because God does not lead His people backwards.

PRAYER: Lord, in any form, shape, or manner that the choice of my language has brought a downward trend in my destiny journey, I cancel it today in Jesus’ name. My portion is upward and forward. I rise to rise in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Job 20:1-22:30; 2 Corinthians 1:1-11; Psalm 40:11-17; Proverbs 22:2-4

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