
18 August 2023: FAITH IS CRUCIAL (1) – Romans 12:3


Faith is crucial because our faith will bring us to a place where we can experience divine results. Our faith connects us to divine results. That is why Jesus asked almost everyone that came to Him for help, “Do you believe I can do these things?” He did not ask them for money. You can pay money to get natural and demonic results, but you don’t need money to get divine results. Your faith brings divine results. Once money is required for a divine result, it is fake! The difference between natural and divine results is that natural results can be measured naturally, while divine results cannot be measured naturally. 

A demonic result will attach you to the devil while a divine result will bring you to God. Only God gives without any strings attached.

Anything you need from God has already been paid for. He sent His Son who shed His blood as the price for the divine experience. If you go to the devil, you will pay with your soul. If you go to the doctor, you will pay money. Even if it takes a longer period, it is better to stay with God until you get your result. You can also stick to natural means where you pay with money, but you must never go to the devil because the payment never stops. If you go to the devil, it will cost you more than what you are willing to pay.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive a fresh understanding of faith to connect to divine results in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Esther 1:1-3:15; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34; Psalm 35:17-28; Proverbs 21:19-20

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