
06 December 2024: Embracing the Roles of Man and Woman in Marriage (4) – Ephesians 5:22-24

Today, we continue to delve into the roles of the man and woman within the context of marriage.

Many women struggle with submitting to their husband’s leadership and trusting his judgment or the revelations he receives from God once he has assumed that role. At this point, some women begin to scrutinize their husband’s decisions, attempting to balance his insights with their own wisdom. However, once a husband is on the path of headship, it is imperative for the wife to submit. Take, for example, the moment when Abraham asked Sarah to claim she was his sister; Sarah responded with, “Yes, my lord!” The place of protection and strength for a woman lies within her submission. If you allow the devil to lure you away from that place, you become spiritually vulnerable.

Some women make decisions independently, claiming, “It is my business, and my husband knows nothing about that field.”

It is not a mark of strength for a man to constantly appease his wife at home.

Women should not insist that their husbands cater to their every whim, as this only sets the stage for an angry husband. If your husband is frustrated with himself for always agreeing with you, that anger will eventually erupt negatively, and I am sure no woman desires that. No one wants a husband who seeks her approval before acting on what God has placed on his heart. Such behaviour is not scriptural; it’s democratic, not theocratic. I am certain that is not the atmosphere you want to cultivate in your home.

PRAYER: I receive the grace to walk in submission as a woman and the grace to walk in correct headship as a man in Jesus’ name.

Hosea 4:1-5:15, 2 John 1:1-13, Psalm 125:1-5, Proverbs 29:9-11


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