
30 April 2023: BUILT ON JESUS CHRIST 1 Peter 2:6

Jesus Christ is the corner piece from where you take the measurement, the dimensions, and every other criterion that you are to build with to succeed. 

It is in the foundation of a building that the corner piece, also known as the chief cornerstone, is laid. Jesus Christ as the chief Cornerstone means genuine salvation experience is the primal requirement to build correctly and successfully. First, you are to be genuinely saved, and you must check yourself to be assured of this.

Some sinners are moralists but are better than Christians in behaviour. One of my sisters used to tell me before she got born again that all born-again people are fake! There was a manager in her office who took things from the store and still spoke in tongues and called Holy Ghost fire. The truth in such a case is that the manager was born again but he was not behaving like a born-again person. My sister, at that time, was not born again but was morally upright in her behaviour. The only problem was that her behaviour alone could not have taken her to heaven if Jesus had come before she gave her life to Christ. Praise God! She is born again today to the glory of God.

The world today has been seduced by the devil into focusing on the misbehaviour of Christians so that they would think that the Church has nothing to offer and believe that salvation isn’t real. This is the spirit running in most newspapers. The devil will never tell newspaper readers that the Christian that misbehaved is just one out of ten Christians and that there are still 90% that are behaving right.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive grace for my behaviour to continually reflect the Christ-like attitude of Jesus. Amen!

Judges 11:1-12:15; John 1:1-28; Psalm 101:1-8; Proverbs 14:13-14    
(Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/9XT. Thank you!) 

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