I want you to know that you are positioned in a place where you can make power available through prayer.
There is a natural and demonic opposition against God’s will on the earth and in the lives of men. It takes a forceful power in the spirit to get God’s will done on earth. As you begin to pray and intercede, the power of God is going to break loose from heaven to bring down all activities of darkness and establish the purpose of God in Jesus’ name.
Intercession is our individual and corporate calling to bring God’s power on the scene over different groups and circumstances.
God has called the church to:
i. Intercede and stand in the gap for people;
ii. Brood in the Spirit upon the nations of the earth;
iii. Stand for the will of God to be done in the Body of Christ; and
iv. Stand for people one-on-one, bring down the works of darkness, and establish the works of God.
When His power is set loose on the scene, the manifestation of His glory becomes evident. In Acts 12, it was almost impossible for Peter to come out of that prison, but the people of God gathered, and prayer was made by the Church without ceasing unto God for him. All that God needs is the faith of one person, somebody moving in the direction of God.
PRAYER: Father, as I pray, let Your power come on the scene to establish Your will in my world and in Your church, in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 34:1-35:9; Matthew 27:15-31; Psalm 33:12-22; Proverbs 9:1-6
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