
16 December 2022: SOME “DON’TS” OF MARRIAGE LEADINGS – Job 32:8

1. No Sister–to–brother Proposal
As a lady, if you become aware of the communication of God on who to marry before he comes to propose, do not propose to the man. It is wrong for a lady to go and propose marriage to a man. Why should you miss the honour of being proposed to? Don’t take lessons from the world and propose to a man. It is a brash girl that approaches a man, bares her chest seductively and says, “I want to go out with you”. That is not for the daughters of Zion.

2. Don’t Choose from Your Past Relationships
Most times when people go back to their past to pick a relationship, that relationship takes them backwards in their destiny. God leads His people forward in His programme for them. God doesn’t lead you to your past. He leads you to your glorious future. Greater glory is waiting for you in your future. So many things have happened in the life of your former schoolmate since you both left secondary school and from the last time you saw that colleague. Just be calm and don’t give room for any agitation. Relax until God brings the right person your way.

3. Don’t Be Led by Sexual Attractions
God will not lead you through your sexual organs.

If you find out that every time you see a particular person, you just have an erection or a strong sexual urge, seek help; a seducing spirit is at work somewhere.

The Holy Ghost will never lead any child of God through sexual urges. When you see the person that you are going to marry, there will be a move of God in your heart. It will be a heart thing, not a sex thing.

PRAYER: Father, I yield to Your leading on the choice of marriage. My flesh will not rule over me in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Micah 5:1-7:20; Revelation 7:1-17; Psalm 135:1-21; Proverbs 30:5-6

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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