Evil multiplies on the earth when wicked men multiply their seed. One major way that evil is perpetuated in every nation of the earth is when wicked men enthrone their children after them.
For example, you see sons of old terrible wicked politicians becoming brutal and violent just like their fathers. Such sons are trained to do those same evil works of killing people and the likes. Such fathers ensure that the sons are fully established in the same evil that they had done over the years so that after they die, the works of their hands do not die.
That is why it is important for believers to pray that evil men be cut off the earth, that they will not take root in the earth and their seed will not prosper after them (Isa. 40:24).
One major way through which evil continues on earth is by evil men releasing evil seeds on the earth, and one way God advances His Kingdom on the earth is for righteous men to release righteous seeds on the earth.
Don’t mind pastors who say that it is wrong for ministers to force their children to do ministry, claiming that the fact that a minister is called does not mean that his son is called. There is no wisdom in leaving children to do whatever they like and make unguided choices. It is almost impossible for you to see an elder statesman take such a stand, nor would you see a top politician say that.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to nurture godly seeds for You. I will be a correct caretaker in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Amos 1:1-3:15; Revelation 2:1-17; Psalm 129:1-8; Proverbs 29:19-20
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