Couples need to be free with each other such that they can unburden their hearts to one another. I have seen a wife that has bottled up offences and bitterness against her husband and didn’t talk. When the husband asked her if there was any problem, she said there was no problem and those offences, bitterness, and no forgiveness continue to deepen.
Then the thing that started with a feeling becomes a spirit such that when she wishes the man evil, it happens. To make matters worse, the man comes home and tells her that he has been promoted at work and is to report in another state. And as soon as he tells her that, a negative spirit could begin to counsel her: “This man you have laboured all your life over is going to another state. Hope it is not somebody else that will reap your harvest!” And if she wishes the man evil in that state of mind, it will happen. It all began with offences which progress to unforgiveness and then to bitterness.
A man needs to make sure that his wife is happy. If she is not, something is cooking.
Whenever such a woman wishes the man evil and plays it out in her mind (even if she doesn’t say it out), the devil can stand on the negative forces that have gathered over the years to create evil in that home.
PRAYER: Father, help me to ensure that the atmosphere in my home permits open communications with my spouse in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Hosea 1:1-3:5; 1 John 5:1-21; Psalm 124:1-8; Proverbs 29:5-8
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