One of the key things to understand about marriage is that marriage is not just for procreation. There have been people who got married and didn’t have children. I pray that you shall not be barren in Jesus’ name. There are couples who something had happened to after they got married and couldn’t have sex anymore.
This tells us that marriage is more than sex.
An interview was conducted some time ago to find out the reason some men got married and one man said that was the only way he could be having sex without feeling guilty. That was his purpose for getting married. Another man said he thought it would be necessary for him to carry on his father’s name because somebody gave birth to him, and he had to give birth to another. For people that have such reasoning as their purpose for marriage, if they don’t have any sons but daughters, they will be tempted to go for polygamy.
Another man said that he was tired of doing the household chores by himself and wanted someone who would be doing the cooking, cleaning, and other household chores for him. That is the kind of husband that will encourage his wife not to work but stay at home. For a man to give the excuse that the babies are too young for his wife to work shows he is selfish. I am not saying this in favour of women, but I am saying this with all sense of accountability to Heaven to write what God wants me to.
PRAYER: Lord, I will not minimise the potential of my marriage through my thoughts and actions towards my spouse in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 11:36-12:13; 1 John 4:1-21; Psalm 123:1-4; Proverbs 29:2-4
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