
18 November 2022: DEALING WITH THE ENEMIES OF INTERCESSION (1) – Romans 8:26

There are things the Holy Spirit will not work with when they are present in a man’s life. These include thoughts, actions, or desires that God detests. We must pay close attention to ensure those things are not found in our lives. If they are present in your life for any reason, you must submit yourself to the purging of the Holy Spirit. I will be showing you some of these enemies of intercession today.

1. Gossip: The Holy Spirit cannot mantle upon your spirit to birth forth the purpose of God on the earth with gossip in your life. It will be a major hindrance to the free flow of the Holy Spirit and His operations. Come out of gossip, tale-bearing, and backbiting, even in church. The seat of the gossip is a dangerous place to sit in life (Psa. 1:1).

If God will work with you in intercession, you must not be found on that seat.

2. Hatred, jealousy, and envy: Envying another individual will lead to hatred and there is no way the Holy Spirit will fellowship with you with hatred in you towards another person. You must understand that you are different from another person. You are unique under God. Stay in your uniqueness while enjoying the uniqueness of every other person. Appreciate God for what He is doing with others and glory in what He has made you. That is how to secure divine participation in intercession.

PRAYER: I submit myself to the purging of the Holy Spirit today so that I can be more effective in intercession in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Ezekiel 37:1-38:23; James 1:19-2:17; Psalm 117:1-2; Proverbs 28:1

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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