
08 November 2022: THE PLACE OF PRAYER AND THE WORD IN DEVELOPING A STRONG SPIRIT – Ephesians 6:10; Proverbs 18:14

If you do not know how to be alone with God, one day you will find yourself alone in a boxing ring with the devil and you will not know what to do.

One of your chief responsibilities as a child of God is to know how to get one-on-one with God, where you are having a face-to-face encounter and you are very sure that something is happening in the spirit. Prayer is a universal phenomenon that cuts across all religions, races, and ages.

However, biblical prayer is what the Christian is to practise and work with in his/her relationship with God.

When the Holy Ghost mantles upon you to birth the purpose of God, He needs you to be strong and filled with the Word because He will bring the purpose of God out of the Word in you. The Holy Ghost cannot use a weak spirit. Feeding on God’s Word is what strengthens you in the inner man. It is not religiously tying a scarf, wearing a suit, or holding a microphone that strengthens you in the inner man. It is the living Word of God that you feed and meditate upon that strengthens your inner man.

One of the weaknesses of Christians is reading the Bible. Many Christians can pray, sing, give, and go to great lengths for their pastor, but to sit down and read the Bible is a struggle. Merely looking at the Bible of some believers, you can tell that those Bibles have not been read in a very long time.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to develop a strong spirit by spending time in the Word and prayer in Jesus’ name Amen!

Ezekiel 18:1-19:14; Hebrews 9:1-10; Psalm 106:32-48; Proverbs 27:10

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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