
23 December 2023: GET IT RIGHT AND GET BETTER IN MARRIAGE – Genesis 2:21-25; Proverbs 4:18; Amos 3:3

Every marriage can be better, no matter how bad or hopeless it may look now. You just have to decide that you will work on your marriage. Marriages are also different from one another; they come with different degrees of pain and joy. There is no joy like the joy of marriage, and there is no pain like the pain of marriage.

Troubles and challenges in marriage are signs that you are still human. The day you don’t have them again is a sign that death has come..

You must be committed to growth and improvement; that is the key to success in marriage.

You must continually work on your mistakes and get better. After getting it right, then you keep getting better. You must make sure you are committed to continual growth in your marriage. Give room for growth in your marriage as you grow as an individual. Problems don’t grow, but when people refuse to grow, problems continually grow bigger. Individuals who allow for growth and improvement will outgrow their problems. Be committed to growth. Couples that refuse to grow will groan!

Also, let your marriage be governed by principles. My teaching on marriage is always based on the biblical principles of marriage because I believe that principles give birth to excellence. Practices without principles lead to mediocrity. So, if you have a mediocre marriage, it is because you are practising marriage without a grasp of the correct principles for it. A lot of people, especially Christians, numb the pain of their marriage without dealing with the root matter. They do not fight because people know they are Christians, but there is a lot of pain going on inside. Some want to divorce and separate from each other but cannot do so because they are both pastors. So, being a pastor is what is numbing the pain. Don’t numb the pain; resolve the conflict.

PRAYER: Lord, open my eyes to what I need to do personally to get better in my marriage. Amen!

Zechariah 4:1-5:11; Revelation 14:1-20; Psalm 142:1-7; Proverbs 30:21-23

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