
10 September 2022: ACCESSING THE GIFT AND GRACE OF A MAN OF GOD – 2 Kings 3:9-20

When you want to access the gift and grace of God upon His servant, your seed could serve as a bridge. Some time ago, my wife and I were guest speakers at a friend’s Convention and we arrived early to listen to another speaker. This man had a special operation of the Holy Spirit in his life towards people’s dreams and peculiar in deliverance for the oppressed. After this meeting, my wife told me she perceived a leading to sow a set of my teaching tapes into the life of this man of God. I told her to go ahead and she did. It was on a Saturday that my wife sowed the seed.

On Sunday morning, as she was getting ready for church service, she suddenly started receiving words of knowledge from the Holy Spirit about people’s dreams, precisely as we saw in the life of the man of God on Saturday. Alarmed, she ran to me to share with me. I went to God in prayer over it and God told me that “It is of Me. When your wife gave the man of God the gift and he received it, the gift created a bridge between her and the grace the man carried, and the grace flowed into her life.”

A word of caution here: the converse will also be true.

Your gift creates a supernatural bridge in the spirit for you.

If you give emotionally to those operating witchcraft and occultism, they can use your gift as a bridge to attack your finances. Give such seeds to only men/women of God with proven ministries.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to recognise and to access the gift of God upon my man of God through sonship, service, and seed in Jesus� name. Amen!

Isaiah 6:1-7:25; 2 Corinthians 11:16-33; Psalm 54:1-7; Proverbs 23:1-3

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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