
08 September 2022: RECOGNISING SEEDTIME (7) – Genesis 28:20-22; Acts 4:34-37

Let’s see more instances to sow as we get close to concluding on how to recognise your seedtime.

31. When you ‘sense’ unusual anointing in an environment (a church, a meeting, or a person), sow a seed immediately. The anointing tells you where God is NOW and prophecy tells you where God is going next.

32. Whenever a building project of a house of God is in progress, that is your wealth time; be part of it with your seed.

33. In Luke 16:1-10, Jesus instructs us to use our money to make friends for the Kingdom when there is a crusade or a soul-winning project. The only way to do this is to reconcile men to God through soul-winning projects and programmes.

34. When guest speakers come to your local church, pastors should encourage their members to sow special seeds into the lives of guest speakers apart from the honorarium the Church plans to give them.

This is the direct way to tap into and share in a prophet’s rewards.

35. When you need to move demonic obstacles out of your way in the spirit, your seed could be an anchor.

36. When your church or ministry is assigned to reach a wider audience through specific ministry tools like radio, television, etc., be a partner to partake of the reward of that obedience.

37. When you need to stop a plague or a generational curse in your life. In 2 Samuel 23:1-5, David stopped a plague through an offering.

38. When you need to create a pathway for your spiritual giftings to be noticed, you use physical giving to make that way.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to be a banker for You, to sponsor the outpouring of Your word in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Isaiah 1:1-2:22; 2 Corinthians 10:1-18; Psalm 52:1-9; Proverbs 22:26-27

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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