
16 November 2024: SPEAKING IN TONGUES: THE KEY TO STILLNESS OF THE MIND – Romans 12:1-2, Psalm 46:10

God speaks in a quiet, small, still voice that sounds loud when the mind is still. One of the things that helps your mind to become still is speaking in tongues.

This is because when you speak in tongues, your mind stops whatever it is doing to listen to what your spirit is saying.

Thus, when you begin to speak in tongues, your mind will have to stop. This, however, depends on how well you have trained yourself and practice it. The stillness in the mind that you experience may not be as rapid as that of men of God who share their experiences and say, “As I began to speak in tongues, the word of the Lord came instantly to me.” In your case, it may not happen in an instance like that. For some people, before their minds get still, it may take several days, and they may even have to add fasting to it. But once your mind gets still enough, you will experience quietness.

For your mind to be still and at rest, you will need to present your body and allow your spirit to take over. Presenting your body is one of the hardest things you will have to accomplish because your body is the first enemy in the spirit. It has its own interests and desires. To “present your body” means to present the five senses: eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin.

PRAYER: Lord, I present my whole being afresh to You today. I receive grace to be still and to do daily the things that make me flow better with the Holy Spirit.

Ezekiel 33:1-34:31, Hebrews 13:1-25, Psalm 115:1-18, Proverbs 27:21-22


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