
30 September 2022: FAITH FOR WEALTH – Romans 10:17; James 2:24; Mark 10:27

Faith will give you a better option than your history and ancestry can give you. Everybody’s turning point will come when they decide to believe in God. Jesus said, ‘All things are possible to him that believes (Mar. 9:23).’ He didn’t say all things are possible to him that goes to school and He never said all things are possible because there are no devils. Rather, ‘All things are possible to him that believes.’ The Bible says, ‘How can they believe, except they hear? (Rom. 10:14).’

The words that you are receiving must be putting faith into your spirit and showing you to believe in divine possibilities. There’s a difference between something easy and something possible. God didn’t promise you an easy road in life but a possible road. An easy road is a road going nowhere and a possible road doesn’t mean there will be no enemy there, but it’s simply possible. Joshua and Caleb believed in the possibility of taking the mountains regardless of the giants. Caleb said, ‘We are well able (Num. 13:30)’ because faith had taken over his heart, and he got what he wanted.

Everyone on the earth is operating under one of two forces: faith or fear. Most people are under the force of fear, so they don’t try out anything new. For wealth to flow towards you, don’t develop wrong habits. Instead, develop faith habits and habits that get money, keep money, increase money, multiply money, and perpetuate money. If you will have generational wealth, you need to develop faith and correct work ethics.

PRAYER: Father, help me to develop faith and habits that generate and increase wealth in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Isaiah 60:1-62:5; Philippians 1:27-2:18; Psalm 72:1-20; Proverbs 24:11-12

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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