
13 Mar 2022: TRUTH ABOUT SUFFERING – Hebrews 5:8; Romans 8:17-18

There are certain things that God will call you to go through for you to mature. There are some truths about suffering we must know:
1. There is a type of suffering that we experience because of our mistakes. When we make mistakes, God allows us some measure of pain to learn from our mistakes. If you don’t have any pain through your mistakes, then you are going to keep making that same mistake repeatedly.
2. There is another type of suffering that we face because we are standing for righteousness.
3. There is also a type of suffering that God allows through circumstances to mature us and bring the wealth of maturity from inside us.

Anywhere the Bible talks of us as partakers of the glory of Christ, it talks of us suffering with Him too. In Romans 8:17, Paul says we shall be glorified with Christ if we suffer with Him. He also says the suffering of this present time is not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us. This kind of suffering is referred to by the Bible as the affliction of the Gospel not the affliction of the devil. If you go through it complaining, you won’t mature and you are going to repeat that class.

For instance, when you start a business, there is a time you have to do everything by yourself. That is the affliction the Bible talks about and it is not caused by the devil. Yet, we are being told today that you won’t suffer anything if you are a Christian. Even our Master suffered – the Bible says He was made perfect by the things He suffered.

PRAYER: Father, I see the right suffering that You support and I’ll go through it for maturity in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Numbers 19:1-20:29; Luke 1:1-25; Psalm 56:1-13; Proverbs 11:8


Beloved of God,
Greetings of love in Jesus name!

You are specially invited to the upcoming 48th edition of All Nations Women Congress on World Evangelization (ANWC).
It is a special feast of the Lord for all females….

Date: 18th – 19st March, 2022 (Friday – Saturday)

Time: Friday (5pm-9pm) & Saturday (7am-3pm)


Venue: Dream Centre Of the Life Oasis International Church HQ, Km 4 Gbongan-Osogbo Expressway, Osun State, Nigeria.

Ministering: Rev (Mrs) Oyenike Areogun (Host)

Enquiries: +2348059533180, +2348037785698, +2348033506866, +2349079912254

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Come, all things are yours!
Come, all things are ready!!!


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