
02 January 2023: THE HOLY SPIRIT HELPS YOU TO PRAY WORTHILY – Romans 8:26; Hebrews 4:16; Job 31:37b

Romans 8:26, JB Philips Translation
26 The Spirit of God not only maintains this hope within us but helps us in our present limitations. For example, we do not know how to pray worthily as sons of God, but His Spirit within us is actually praying for us in those agonizing longings which never find words.

There is one main work of prayer the Holy Ghost will help the believers to do and that is to talk to the Heavenly Father WORTHILY as sons of God. Better still, to pray in a manner that is worthy of their status as sons.

What does it mean to pray worthily as sons of God?
1. It means to pray with the fearless boldness and confident trust of a son.
2. It means to pray with the consciousness that you are always welcome. Jesus has given us a favourable and confident introduction to the Father. We have an open door every time we go into His house. The Holy Spirit maintains this consciousness in our hearts. It would be far easier to feel condemned than bold were it not for the Holy Spirit who constantly reassures our hearts.
3. It means to ask for things that glorify our Father. God desires His children to have big visions from Him and to exercise solid faith for the manifestation of those visions. He is glorified with such prayers.
4. It is to pray with the view of God. If we see everything happening around us the way God sees it, we will never panic again in our lives.

That is what the Holy Ghost does.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the Spirit of grace and supplication and the assistance of the Holy Spirit to pray worthily when I come to the place of prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Genesis 3:1-4:26; Matthew 2:13-3:6; Psalm 2:1-12; Proverbs 1:7-9

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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