
07 January 2023: PRINCIPLES OF OPERATING IN THE SPIRIT REALM (3) – Colossians 1:12-13; John 3:3

Now, let’s see the third principle we must master for us to operate in the spirit realm.

You must know that there are two kingdoms in the spirit realm and these two kingdoms are eternally opposed to one another. Every human being belongs spiritually to either of these kingdoms.

The Kingdom of God is the Kingdom of light while the kingdom of the devil is the kingdom of darkness. Every man was a member of the kingdom of Satan through the fall of Adam.

The only way to enter the Kingdom of God is the same way you entered the kingdom of man on the earth – BY BIRTH. You have to be born again to be in the Kingdom of God which is the Kingdom of light. Next, you need to know that the Kingdom of God is more powerful than the kingdom of the devil.

If you are born again, you belong to the greater Kingdom. Due to this constant warfare between these two kingdoms, you should expect some opposition to your operation on earth. To enable you to deal properly with all opposition from the kingdom of darkness, you have been qualified to share in the inheritance of the saints and given the Holy Ghost to teach you the art of spiritual warfare.

PRAYER: Lord, teach my hands to war victoriously in the spirit realm in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Genesis 16:1-18:15; Matthew 6:1-24; Psalm 7:1-17; Proverbs 2:1-5

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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