
23 August 2023: FUNCTIONING IN THESE LAST DAYS BY THE SPIRIT OF FAITH (1) – 2 Corinthians 4:13; Numbers 13:30; 1 Samuel 17:45


To function effectively these last days, you must understand that you have the spirit of faith in you and master how to speak by it. That same spirit causes your words to come to pass, whether positive or negative, and that is why you must watch over your tongue.

Several years ago, two members of the church came to see me. I asked the first person what he was doing about getting a car and he said nothing. I told him he could believe God to get one. The other person came, I asked the same question, and he too did not have anything on his mind. So, I told him to discuss it with a particular brother in the church who wanted to sell a car. He later told me that the only reason he went was because I (his pastor) told him to do so. That did not speak too much of a faith-ridden move. The first brother came back to me after he bought his first car and said he wanted to thank me for the prophecy. I told him it was not a prophecy but I just spoke by the spirit of faith.

You must understand the difference between speaking by the spirit of faith and speaking by man’s mind.

Before David killed Goliath, he had said what would happen by speaking to Goliath in the spirit of faith. Caleb could take the land because he said so; yet, the other ten spies who said it was impossible were not able to do so. They spoke words against themselves by the spirit of fear, and it came to pass for them. Allow the spirit of faith in you to work through your words.

PRAYER: Father, I cancel every negative word I have spoken against myself in the name of Jesus. I speak by the spirit of faith that my life, situations, and experiences will align with the promises of God in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Job 8:1-11:20; 1 Corinthians 15:1-28; Psalm 38:1-22; Proverbs 21:28-29

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