
18 June 2024: BE A SENT ONE – Isaiah 6:8, Jeremiah 23:21, 32

God will not work with a man He has not sent. What makes God to be identified with a man is that He sent him. He has no business with a man He has not sent. He said in the text above, “I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.” What a life of waste! God is not going to back up a man He did not give a message. There is a reality of divine backing and commitment to the man sent.

A man can be called but not sent; it is not every called man that is sent.

It is one thing to be called by the Lord; it is another thing to actually be sent by Him. The truth of the matter is that it is not everyone that God has called that will be sendable. The question now is this – Are you sent to do what you are doing? You must not send yourself. Be the one that is sent! Sometimes, between the call and the sending, there will be many divine workings, instructions, and many things that God will want to fine-tune and clarify for you. So, you need to wait, get everything clear before you move on with your commission. When He sends you, He will back you up and defend you.

A man that runs without being sent should be waiting for an embarrassing situation in the future. God worked with the disciples in Mark 16:20 because they were sent. A man that is sent by God will produce divine results.

PRAYER: LORD, help me not to run a race that is not allotted to me in destiny. Amen!

1 Kings 19:1-21, Acts 12:1-23, Psalm 136:1-26, Proverbs 17:14-15


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Dearly beloved,

Greetings of love in the Name of Jesus

You are specially invited to the upcoming Anointed Feast of God for mankind: ANNUAL GOD OF BREAKTHROUGHS CONVENTION & HOMECOMING (GOBC&H) 2024 with the theme:


Date: 30th June - 7th July 2024 (Sunday - Sunday).

Time: 6am-8am, 8am-10am, 10am-12noon, 12noon-2pm and 5pm-8pm daily (all GMT +1).

Venue: The Dream Centre of the Life Oasis International Church HQ, Along Osun State Secretariat Abere, shortly before November 27 Interchange, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria.

Rev. Olusola + Oyenike Areogun (Hosts), Rev. (Dr.) Francis Olonade, Rev. (Dr.) John Idowu, Rev. (Dr.) Lekan Babatunde, Rev. Akinlolu Raphael and Pastor Tunde Jaiyebo

Enquiries: +2349079912254, +2347071981402, +2347071981492, +2348037252124

Live streaming available at:
www.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org/streaming, www.dciradio.org and all our social media platforms.

Register at: www.gobch.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org

Come, all things are yours! Come, all things are ready!

Jesus is Lord!

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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